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Library Trustee Minutes 09/13/10

James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 04330

Board of Trustees Meeting
September 13, 2010

Attendance: Trustees- Margaret Warner, Ron Haggett, Molly Moore Lazar
Director-Kathryn Chisholm       Representing the Antrim Historical Society- Neil Brown

The agenda for tonight’s meeting was approved without additions.

Minutes of the June 14, 2010 were approved with a few changes.

Treasurer’s Report:
v       Ron Haggett gave the Treasurer’s report for June, July, and August.

Library Director’s report:

v       The recent elevator Inspection was discussed.

v       Friends of the Library are doing a pirate theme in the Home and Harvest parade. The doll house was painted for the raffle project and it will be displayed to the public at Home and Harvest

v       A proposed video game collection began from donations by patron Christopher Brinkley. The video games will be rated same as movies.

Information items

v       No Area Trustees meeting is scheduled for September.

v       Antrim Historical Society –
o       Neil Brown is taking over as the liason between the Historical Society and the Library as Lyman Gilmore is retiring.
o       The Historical Society’s storage room upstairs is out of space. Neil discussed with the trustees various proposals for spaces.
§       The Library agreed to get rid of some of the chairs under the hallway counter and give that space to the Historical Society, and put a lock on it; it is a possibility that shelves can be built.
§       In regards to storing archived documents in boxes, options include:
·       Building  new cabinets to match existing ones and replacing flimsy cabinets. (Kathy is concerned about load on floors.)
·       A second option does not involve cabinets in the middle, but simply building a more stable wall.
·       In addition, Neil would like to move the flag display to the middle wall and build larger cabinets where the flag display is currently.
·       Alternatives discussed: Ron has some art displays. Margie suggested partitions.
·       Time frame:2-5 years depending on collections coming in.

v       Portico is just awaiting the granite steps

New Business:

v       The trustees discussed and agreed on a proposed asking budget for 2011.

v       The trustees decided to put off discussing staff evaluations until next month.

v       Next meeting date is set for Monday, October 18th.

Respectfully submitted by Molly Moore Lazar